T-shirts being sold on Amazon UK from a company called Solid Gold Bomb, which includes 638 oh-so-witty riffs on the "Keep Calm" slogan such as "Keep Calm and Knife" and "Keep Calm and Kill," have been pulled from the site after they were barraged with negative product reviews and critical Tweets for their selection of "Rape" items.
Until yesterday, for the meager price of £15 to £17, you could have bought yourself a permanent VIP pass into the Hall of Rapey Douchebaggery with one of these duds: there's "Keep Calm and Rape Them," "Keep Calm and Rape Us," "Keep Calm and Rape On," and any other Schoolhouse Rock grammatical configuration you might imagine.
The company, based in Oxford in the UK but distributes out of Worcester, MA., has issued an apology for the manufacturing of the shirts, claiming it was nothing more than programming gone awry:
"These 'Keep Calm' shirts were computer-generated and we didn't even know we had a shirt that says that ... as soon as we realised this, we immediately deleted them. It takes time for them to be deleted. I was the person responsible for running the script that generated the T-shirt, not the company, not any other individuals. I appreciate everyone's comments but please, accept this as a mistake as we certainly do not condone 'rape'"
'Amazon slammed for selling T-shirts with the words 'Keep Calm And Rape Them' message on front' [Daily Mail]
'Company apologises for 'Keep Calm And Rape' T-shirts' [The Sun]